How to Share Content on WIX
Step-by-Step Guide for uploading and sharing your Retirement Plan Marketing content to WIX.
Blog Articles
- Navigate to your WIX blog dashboard
- Select "Create a New Post"
- Copy and Paste the title of the blog article in the section "Add a Catchy Title"
- In the body of the article, select the "+" sign to add an image
- Drag and drop the headline image of the blog article you are sharing
- Once the image is added, copy and paste the body of the blog article into the body of the WIX editor
- Once pasted, update any formatting errors
- At the bottom of the article (before citations), add your signature and disclosure
- Once finished, click "Publish" or select the dropdown menu and schedule for a later date
Newsletter, Plan Sponsor Guide and Participant Infographic
- Navigate to your WIX blog dashboard
- Select "Create a New Post"
- Copy and Paste the title of the PDF in the section "Add a Catchy Title"
- In the body of the article, select the "+" sign to add an image
- Drag and drop the headline image of the PDF you are sharing
- Once the image is added, open up the file with the "Digital Communications" that matches the PDF you are uploading.
- Copy and paste the "website copy" of the PDF into the body of the WIX editor
- Once pasted, update any formatting errors
- Select the "+", and click the last icon to insert a file
- Drag and drop the PDF (Newsletter, plan sponsor guide, or participant infographic), upload it and add it to the body of the editor
- At the bottom of the article (before citations), add your signature and disclosure
- Once finished, click "Publish" or select the dropdown menu and schedule for a later date
- Navigate to your WIX blog dashboard
- Select "Create a New Post"
- Copy and Paste the title of the video in the section "Add a Catchy Title"
- In the body of the article, select the "+" sign to add an image
- Drag and drop the headline image of the video you are sharing
- Once the image is added, open up the file with the "Digital Communications" that matches the video you are uploading
- Copy and paste the "website copy" of the video into the body of the WIX editor
- Once pasted, update any formatting errors
- Select the "+", and click the icon for "video"
- Drag and drop the video, upload it and add it to the body of the editor
- At the bottom of the article (before citations), add your signature and disclosure
- Once finished, click "Publish" or select the dropdown menu and schedule for a later date